Lapeer District Library
Photography and Filming Policy
The staff of the Lapeer District Library regularly takes photographs or videos of patrons and staff at library programs, workshops, classes and in other library spaces. Many of these photos/videos will be used in print and electronic marketing materials. Others will be posted on the library’s website and on the library’s various social media accounts. Attendance at Library programs, events or Library spaces constitutes consent to be photographed or filmed for use in print and/or electronic publicity of the Library. Photos, images and videos submitted by users for galleries or contests may also be used by the Library for promotional purposes. To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full name without written approval from the guardian. If a patron does not want the Library to use a photo or video of them or of their child, they must inform the Library staff member who is coordinating the event. This policy extends to photographing and filming by library staff at Friends of the Library events and at any of the Library’s outreach efforts in the community, including at public events.
Casual amateur photography, filming and videotaping is permitted in the Library facilities for patrons and visitors, provided that the photography does not interfere in any way with Library operations or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. In no circumstances may anyone take a photo or film a Library patron without the consent of the patron, or their parent/guardian, if a minor.
No commercial or media photography or filming may occur in Library facilities without the prior permission and approval of the Library Director, or his/her designee. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial/media photography or filming will take place, and address the rights to ownership of the photos/films.
If you have concerns or questions about a photograph or video posted on the library’s website or social media accounts or any other question relating to this policy, please contact the library director by phone: (810) 664-9521 or email:
Most recent revision adopted: March 19, 2015
Board motion: 15R.03.13